Here you can find answers to some of the frequently asked questions I recieve


Q: Is it possible to have the units move smoothly rather than cell by cell?

Yes. I would recommend DOTWeen for tweening between cells, but you can also use your own tweening solution. To change the way units move between cells, look at the Sequence field on the MovmentAction component. To create your own movement sequence you can inherit the MovementSequence class. Code available as gist below. Requires DOTween. Remember to create the Scriptable Object asset :)

Jump Movement
Smooth Cell by Cell
Smooth Start to End

Scriptable Objects

Q: There are a lot of asset files in the sample projects, do I really need that many Scriptable Obejct assets?

No, not really. The samples are created to be as modular as possible to show that you can re-use callbacks and validation between objects and games.
If you prefer to have it all in the same place in code, you can simple create just one object with all the code in it.

Movement Validation

Area of Attack

Q: Is AOE-attacks supported?

It is easy to implement. I recommend adding a custom attack sequence to achieve area of attack.
You can keep all the data in the sequence and add it to whatever units you want to.

Area of Attack Sequence

Ugly Lines

Q: I Have some ugly lines in my 2D sample project. Can I get rid of them?

Yes, but since the Asset Store does not support importing project settigns for tools, you will have to make a change in the settings.

To sort out this issue you will have to go to Project Settings -> Quality -> set Anti Aliasing to Disabled

Pathing around units

Q: Can you have the path not move through other units?

Yes, before the release of Gridr 2.0, the easiest way would be to add a small line of code in the MovementAction script. Look at the gist below to get started.
Make sure to understand that this method uses the validation to remove nodes for the pathfindign algorithm.

Movement Paths without passing invalid cells

Fog Of War

Q: Does Gridr support Fog of War / Field of Vision??

Not out of the box. But it's fairly simple to implement depending on how you prefer to do it.

First you can create a new GridProperty like so:

Then create a method in GameGrid.cs to determine if something is in range:

As well as a couple of methods to determine which cells are out of range, and which are in range

Finally you need to update the FOW for all enteties. In this example the vision will only be calculated for the current team.

Don' forget you need to add the Vision Property on all entities that have a vision on the board! You will also need to implement the "ActivateFOW" and "DeactivateFOW" methods on the cells. How you want to handle it is up to you, and maybe you also want to find all the occupants on cells with active FOWs and turn of their visuals? It should be easy if you made it this far :)

Pixel Art Hex Dimensions

Q: Is it possible to change the dimensions of the hexes? If you are using pixel-art hexes for example, they are often a little bit wider.

Yes, all of the hex math is done in the HexUtil2D and HexUtil3D classes. If you know the dimensions you want you can add the extra as a parameter. If you use the gist below, you can replace the entire HexUtil2D class with the new code. For now, the visualization of the brush will be a bit wonky when painting the hexes, I will make the tool work well with more dimensions in a future update.

HexUtil2D for common pixel art hex dimensions

Also update the initializer to use the correct methods

Update Init method